Bourbon Barrel Aged Pure Maple Syrup


This Bourbon Barrel Aged Pure Maple Syrup is perfect for pancakes, fruits or making Old Fashions…. One taste and you’ll approve our bragging rights.

Aged in Tobacco Barn Distillery Bourbon Barrels – Maryland’s Premier 4+ year aged Bourbon.

We partner with another Great Brook Farm Sugar House in Walpole, New Hampshire. A small family-owned farm/sugar house since 1943. They share our same dedication to quality and the result is the perfect blend of flavors – bursting with vanilla, oak, butter and just the right hint of bourbon.

What Makes Our Syrup Special:

The bourbon barrels are picked up after they are dumped at the distillery and filled only 5 miles away at another family farm, The Dixon Farm in Mechanicsville, MD.  The  barrels don’t wait in a warehouse before being filled with “Premium Grade A” Maple Syrup.  Once the barrels are dumped and Great Brook farm Sugar House maple syrup is filled inside the barrel site, soaking up the great Bourbon flavor in the Maple Syrup before being bottled. Tobacco Barn Distillery – Dixon family Farm – Great Brook farm Sugar House are all family owned small farms. There isn’t a middleman or large corporation involved. Enjoy!